The Music Of Kerstin Hanson
Useless but Fun:

Picks and Pans:

A mature woman; Actual size=180 pixels wide

A long time ago.

My Mrs. Beasley doll, my sister and her teddybear. Just hope she's ok with this shot on the web.

A mature couple; Actual size=240 pixels wide

REM Backstage, 1999

Great fun.

A man in a tux; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Sunday on the Square, 2000

I worked with a posse of talented musicians for this show - my kids even got to share the stage for a couple of songs.

A mother playing with children; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Gig - 2001

Babe's in the Radisson Prince Charles... crazy, crazy night it was.


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